summer tennis camps

Best New Racket Technology to Boost Your Game


Summer is just around the corner and if you’re planning on attending an adult tennis camp, retreat or clinic in the next few months, it is time to start thinking about upgrading your racket. Many players choose to take two rackets to tennis events in case one breaks or needs to be restrung. Fortunately, it’s easy to find a great racket to upgrade your gear or simply act as a backup. Regardless of what type of player you are or where your skill level currently lies, one of these sporty rackets will fit your game perfectly.

Babolat Play Pure Drive

Known among [Read More>]

Best New Racket Technology to Boost Your Game2025-01-07T16:41:13+00:00

Preparing for Summer Tennis Camps: What to Pack


You spent months searching for the perfect summer tennis camp for your child. You applied, your child has been accepted and is now excited to attend. Before your child leaves, though, he or she will need a well-stocked pack full of all the equipment, clothing and toiletries needed for a week or more at camp.

Attending a summer tennis camp is an exciting experience and can be made easy and stress-free when you know you’ve packed well and your child has everything needed for a safe, fun and comfortable camp experience. This helpful list details what your child should and shouldn’t bring [Read More>]

Preparing for Summer Tennis Camps: What to Pack2025-01-07T16:41:13+00:00

The Disadvantages of Late Registration and How to Avoid Them


Getting into the tennis camp of his or her dreams is an exciting event for your child. With high-quality tennis camps spread across the country and designed to fit any budget, skill level or tennis goal, finding the right tennis camp for your child or teen should be quite simple. You may run into problems, however, if you wait too long to register your child for tennis camp.

Although many camps will work with parents in order to admit their children even in un-ideal circumstances, many will simply deny admittance, which can easily shatter your child’s summer plans and leave them disappointed [Read More>]

The Disadvantages of Late Registration and How to Avoid Them2025-01-07T16:41:13+00:00
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