tennis camp

The Perfect Tennis Shoes for On the Court


Playing a tennis match requires a ton of endurance and the ability to stay on your feet for a long period of time. If you’re playing a five-set match, it’s possible to run anywhere between three and five miles, depending on your style of play. 

That’s a lot of running! If you’re going to be active on your feet that often, it’s essential to have the appropriate footwear for peak performance. But what should you be considering when trying to find the perfect tennis shoes?

There may be no such thing as the [Read More>]

The Perfect Tennis Shoes for On the Court2025-01-07T16:39:57+00:00

4 At-Home Tennis Drills For Practicing By Yourself


If you’re like most people in America — and really, around the world — over this past year, you’ve spent way too much time at home. While it’s been frustrating to constantly stare at the same four walls as consistently as we have, it’s also provided all of us with an opportunity to get more creative than ever before when it comes to keeping ourselves busy. 

When thinking about sports that can be played during the pandemic, tennis is certainly one of the safer ones because of the natural social distancing that happens during a match. [Read More>]

4 At-Home Tennis Drills For Practicing By Yourself2025-01-07T16:39:57+00:00

Tennis Camp: COVID Safety Protocols and Policies to Know


Before COVID-19 turned our lives upside down over this past year, one of our main goals at every adidas Tennis Camp was to provide a top-notch experience with the best instruction around, all while doing it in a fun and safe environment. No matter how much life has changed since we conducted our first tennis camp, that goal has remained the same, and it’s taken on a whole new meaning as we continue to welcome campers by giving them something to look forward to after spending way too much time at home recently. 

How we administer [Read More>]

Tennis Camp: COVID Safety Protocols and Policies to Know2025-01-07T16:39:58+00:00

Here Are the Best Tennis Camps for 2021


The best way to elevate your tennis skills is to join us at an adidas Tennis Camp this summer. We’ve been doing this for a while and know how to create the perfect kind of experience that’ll help your child walk away with concrete feedback on how to get better and keep improving, but they’ll also want to come back the following summer and do it all over again. 

We know that to enjoy the ultimate tennis camp experience, players need to be afforded a safe and fun environment to learn and grow throughout the duration [Read More>]

Here Are the Best Tennis Camps for 20212025-01-07T16:39:58+00:00

Snacks to Keep you Fueled at Tennis Camp


Tennis is one of the greatest sports out there, and while it requires a lot of endurance and concentration, it’s a lot of fun. That’s the kind of message we want to make sure gets delivered to all of the players who attend an adidas Tennis Camp each summer. Our main goal is to help them improve and elevate their tennis game for the short period of time we’re together, but we also want to make sure it’s done in a safe and fun environment. 

After the year we’ve all experienced, these kids deserve to have [Read More>]

Snacks to Keep you Fueled at Tennis Camp2025-01-07T16:39:58+00:00

The Top Tennis Skills All Beginners Need to Master


In many things in life – sports included – it’s the smallest of tweaks and adjustments that ends up making the largest difference in whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Tennis is no different in this respect, and it’s a big reason why the camp directors at our Connecticut Tennis Camps, along with all of our other locations, provide as much individual attention as possible to campers.

It’s just about impossible to see small adjustments that tennis players need to make when a large group is all participating in one kind of drill at the same time. Every [Read More>]

The Top Tennis Skills All Beginners Need to Master2025-01-07T16:39:58+00:00

Five Steps to Achieving a Powerful Backhand


In many things in life – sports included – it’s the smallest of tweaks, adjustments, and processes that ends up making the largest difference in whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Tennis is no different in this respect, and it’s a big reason why the camp directors at our Connecticut Tennis Camps, along with all of our other locations, provide as much individual attention as possible to campers.

It’s just about impossible to see small adjustments that tennis players need to make when a large group is all participating in one kind of drill at the same time. Every player is a little [Read More>]

Five Steps to Achieving a Powerful Backhand2025-01-07T16:39:58+00:00

Win Your Next Tennis Match With These 3 Tips


Whether you’re playing tennis competitively as an athlete or casually just because you enjoy the sport and the health benefits that come from it, you all have one thing in common – it’s nice to win a match when you’re playing someone else.

Even if it’s just purely a hobby, nobody likes losing all the time! That’s why our camp directors and coaches at our New Jersey Tennis Camps and all of our other locations bring the same passion to every camper that joins us each summer. Regardless of their age and skill level, they’re all coming because they’d [Read More>]

Win Your Next Tennis Match With These 3 Tips2025-01-07T16:40:21+00:00

Make Tennis Lessons More Fun with These 4 Ideas


One of the things that sets our adidas Tennis Camps apart from the rest of our competition is that while we focus on ways to improve a camper’s level of play before they head home, we realize that this is a game, and games are supposed to be fun! We’re proud to have locations all over the country, and our Connecticut Tennis Camps are a great example of how camp directors and coaches do their best to cultivate improvement in a fun and positive atmosphere.

After all, those goals are embedded into what [Read More>]

Make Tennis Lessons More Fun with These 4 Ideas2025-01-07T16:40:21+00:00

3 Best Tips to Help Tennis Players Master The Art of Lob Shots


With adidas Tennis Camps offering 30 hours of tennis instruction during any given session, there are plenty of opportunities for tennis players to really improve their game – both on and off the court. We also make sure to prioritize certain parts of the camp experience that we know is the most impactful for those who participate.

As an example, our New Jersey Tennis Camps offer ample opportunity for one-on-one tennis instruction, along with guest instructors and lecturers, mental edge training, conditioning and nutritional programs, and a goal-setting worksheet. With a low camper-to-coach [Read More>]

3 Best Tips to Help Tennis Players Master The Art of Lob Shots2025-01-07T16:40:21+00:00
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