In many things in life – sports included – it’s the smallest of tweaks and adjustments that ends up making the largest difference in whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Tennis is no different in this respect, and it’s a big reason why the camp directors at our Connecticut Tennis Camps, along with all of our other locations, provide as much individual attention as possible to campers.
It’s just about impossible to see small adjustments that tennis players need to make when a large group is all participating in one kind of drill at the same time. Every player is a little bit different and also responds to feedback in various ways. That’s why our adidas Tennis Camps are proud to offer the individualized attention to each camper that’s necessary for them to see genuine improvement, along with constantly keeping a low camper-to-coach ratio.
Speaking of simple adjustments that can make a huge difference, here are three that you should keep in mind.
Stay with One Pattern of Play
Since tennis can take a physical and mental toll on even the best players in the world, it’s important to keep certain elements of the game as simple as possible. That includes the patterns and types of shots you hit. We’re not discouraging you from trying to get a little creative, but the what you should be putting your arsenal to pull out at any given time shouldn’t be 10 or 15 options deep – Maybe just one or two because that’s typically how many patterns more advanced players use throughout a given match.
Find one or two patterns that really work for you – regardless of the reasoning – and work on honing those as much as possible.
Don’t Forget to Stretch!
Once you arrive at a tennis court, it’s not outrageous for you to get excited, forget about any of the preparation you wanted to do before immediately hopping on the court and getting into the swing of things (pun intended). And what if you typically have a hard time experiencing success at the start of new matches?
Both of these things might be a sign that you should be stretching longer or with more frequency. It doesn’t typically matter if it’s static or dynamic stretching. What’s most important is that you find whatever works best for you and your body, and that becomes a part of your routine. Having loose muscles can help you hit the ground running and immediately start playing to your potential when a new match gets underway.
Keep Yourself Properly Energized and Hydrated
This can also be an overlooked aspect of a tennis players recipe for success because there are so many other things to think about and consider between sets. But if you don’t properly hydrate and feed your muscles, it’ll be hard to have success later on in a match!
A good rule of thumb to have is to hydrate yourself with a drink during every changeover while having a snack during every other changeover. This will help keep your energy up in order to win.